Tuesday, February 10, 2015

2015 Valenites

For the past two years I have made Valentine with my sweet Shane. Unfortunately, I never took pictures of the past ones but this year I remembered to! We had a wonderful time and Keith even tried some straw painting! We mimicked our Christmas Cookie Cutter Cards this year and used a heart, everything pink, red, and white and discovered a new way to paint with straws!


white, pink, and red construction paper folded in half
pink, red, and white paint
a straw (not pictured)
heart shaped cookie cutter
wet wipe or wet paper towel for cleanup


1. Spread the paint color or colors of choice out onto a plate. Dip the heart shape cookie cutter into the paint and stamp onto the constriction paper. 

2. Dip the tip of the straw into the paint and stamp onto the paper for decorations

3. Using the glue, decorate the hearts, around the hearts, write words like "love" or "you and me," then sprinkle with the glitter.

4. Allow to dry then write your Valentine a note!

1 comment:

  1. I love this idea! Very cute and manageable for the little ones! We did handprint hearts this year but it was about 5 min of panicked hand painting/cleanup on my part! Next year I hope to offer a little more freedom! ;)


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