Friday, February 20, 2015

Sick Days

Last week Shane woke up around 8, came downstairs, and made a bed in his tent declaring "I don't feel good." It seems to be the common theme in our house. It is the common theme in most of my friend's homes. This winter has brought cold after cold, infection after infection, and a deep love of amoxicillin. 

With these sick days it has also brought a chance for us as a family to care for one another. I listened to Shane pray for healing spurred up in that own sweet heart of his. I have seen him take care of his baby brother even when he does not feel well by reading books or singing a song to help sooth Keith. Shane kisses us when we fall down, fetches water when we are thirsty, and has a look of concern when he hears anyone cry. I have been in awe at how my oldest has been a kindhearted care taker filled to the brim with love and empathy. 

Brian has equally been wonderful in his own way. Last night, after a 10 hour shift, he came home and rocked Keith, sick with fever and vomiting, until 1 in the morning so I could get some much needed sleep. Brian has an ability to put himself last for those he loves and last night was no exception. My husband drove to two pharmacies across town to get me a prescription because they were out at the first and I never heard a complaint only a word of care and compassion that I had a sinus and ear infection. As a husband and father Brian models what care-taking and selflessness looks like in our family. 

In addition to my sweet son and wonderful husband I am surrounded by neighbors, family, and friends who walk alongside me when life gets to be a bit weighted. I have been blessed to have my trash can wheeled out to the curb by a neighbor, a friend drop off dinner, and my parents run errands for me. My sister never hesitates to led a hand caring for my kids so I can take a nap from a night of little sleep or a day I need to focus on just one sick little one while the other is ready for an adventure I can't take off on. 

I am learning it's the sick days that bring out the best in people, that show the truly wonderful character of others. It's the sick days that make us stop and look for a way to fulfill the needs and lighten the loads of those around us. I am thankful for what I am watching blossom in Shane's heart and reminded of why I fell so hard for Brian. The sick days bring out the best in us all and that, along with lots and lots of baby snuggles, is my silver lining during these winter months.

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