Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Cookie Cutter Christmas Cards

Cookie Cutter Holiday Cards

We made holiday cards to send a personal note from Shane to a few of his buddies this past week. I love spending time making these crafts with my toddler and teaching him about the meaning of the season. As a mom, it is incredibly important to me to not focus on Santa as much as it is to teach about joy, gratitude, and generosity as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ during the Christmas season. Thus, these cards were a great opportunity to express Shane's sweet little thoughts to our Neighbor, the mail carrier, my sister's new boyfriend, and one of his Sunday school teachers (who also happens to be a great friend of mine). His notes were priceless, the time spent making the cards was so much fun, and Shane even impressed me with being able to write his own name!

cookie cutters (I used stars, gingerbread men, and circles)
washable, non toxic paint
construction paper
paintbrush (optional)
markers or a pen
plate or piece of cardboard (to put paint on)


1. Fold several pieces of construction paper in half. Lay them out so the seam of the card is on the left and the card will open from right to left.

2. Pour a small amount of paint onto a plate and spread it out so it is larger than the size of your cookie cutter. Dip the cookie cutter into the pain and then stamp it onto the paper several times. You may need to dip it several times depending on how thick your pain is. You can repeate with several shapes and paint colors on as many cards as you need/want.

3. Allow the paint to dry for a few minutes then using fingers or a paint brush you can add some details such as eyes on gingerbread men, dots to the circles to make ornaments, or pain the stars in yellow.

4. Allow the cards to completely dry and you can scribe well wishes, jokes or a message on the cards. 

We made a snowmen cards with a joke: What do snowmen eat for breakfast? Snowflakes with milk!

The Stars Were Brightly Shining on our star cards.

Merry Christmas on the ornament cards.

Have a Sweet Holiday on the gingerbread cards.

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