Wednesday, December 17, 2014

A Positive Police Image

I notice I don't watch the local news any more. I am not reading any news articles on the internet and I spend less time on social media these days. I am not trying to avoid the reality of the world but I found that my heart can't handle report after report and post after post of negative publicity on my husband's profession. I am married to a police officer.

This last week, on social media alone, I read about law students getting test postponed because of the emotional strain they were under in light of the Ferguson incident. I read personal comments about officers being racist, shooting people with no just cause, and people accusing law enforcement in general of misuse of power and authority. I am sure the news had similar stories of the bad and negative when it comes to law enforcement and I could not bring myself to turn the news on.

I find myself asking where are the positive stories? Where are people's reaction to the good that my husband is doing? Where is the respect and appreciation for Shane and Keith's father? I am married to a man who has worked overtime this past week. He was ensuring that protests did not turn to riots and mobs did not destroy businesses that people worked their whole lives to build. My sons have a father who does not tuck them in most night because he works at night making sure that the streets are free of mobs, speeding cars, drunks, violence, and assault. Where is the appreciation for the person that you call on when you need help?

I am amazed that the positive stories of service that officers do is not highlighted in the news more often. Last Saturday my husband's department took hundreds of toys to underprivileged children and I wonder if it made the local broadcast. Last Friday, a Sheriff's Department in California did the same in their community but I was hard pressed to find much media coverage of either event. Is the violent death of an officer in the line of duty the only way he or she can be seen as a hero, a good person, or a newsworthy story?

I am writing to ask for a change on social media to help off set the negative publicity officers are receiving. Find a positive story in the news and pass it on. Share a positive personal experience that you had with an officer. I am writing to ask that you look for something good an officer does in your community and tell someone else about it. These men and women are doing good across our nation but I don't see people taking the time to talk about the good. Instead I am seeing the negative stories, the personal hate, the bad experiences with law enforcement time in time again and it is time for a change.

Below you can find some stories of the good our nation's police officers are doing. Please take a moment to read some stories, like them, share them and help balance out the negative stories flooding the news about police officers. That is my husband out there at night with the protesters, that is my 2 year old son's daddy working to keep you safe, that is my 10 month old baby boy's father who is putting his life on the line and I am proud of him because he is a good police officer despite what the media is feeding you about his profession.

credit image: KOMO News

credit image: Police One

credit image: Ventura County Sheriff's Foundation


  1. yes to all of this! police officers are real people with families supporting them at home, waiting for them to return after each shift. they aren't murderers, they go into the profession selflessly, sacrificing holidays family functions, etc to protect and service their community.


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