Wednesday, December 10, 2014

How We Celebrate Advent

the arrival of a notable person, thing, or event.

My family celebrated advent together every year. Each chilly December morning we would gather round and open a box one number at a time. Each morning we would take turns opening, counting, savoring the chocolate treat inside. Little did I know then the meaning of advent-the anticipation of our King. Each day that passed awakened a yearning and joy for the holiday to come that would celebrate the birth of Christ Jesus. I love advent.

My sweet little family of four started celebrating advent in a new way this year. I had long been wanting to replace the chocolate and the longer devotional reads for something a bit more age appropriate for my toddler and infant. This year we started a Christmas Countdown which I found on another blog. I adapted the original to fit our family's personalities and current stages but oh, how I love watching The Brother's anticipation and joy as they countdown to Christmas.

1. Pick out a Christmas tree

2. Decorate the Christmas tree

3. Read a holiday story

4. Make an ornament for the tree (we made examples for our toddler Christmas party)

5. Play Christmas music and sing-along (I am sad to say we did this in the car so I missed the picture!)

6. Bake a holiday treat

7. Decorate a Gingerbread House

8. Cut out paper snowflakes and hang them in the window

9. Have a pajama dance party (which did not last long. haha.)

10. Have a slumber party by the Christmas tree
11. Make a snowman
12. Write down what you adore most about each member of the family
13. Watch your favorite holiday movie with cookies
14. Take a photo each hour of the day
15. Have a cup of hot cocoa
16. Make holiday greeting cards
17. Play a game together
18.Go on a Christmas lights drive 
19. Make a gift for your teacher
20. Donate a gift{s} to charity
21. Have breakfast for dinner
22. Take an outdoor stroll
23. Go out for ice cream
24. Write a letter to Jesus

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