Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Do You Want To Build a Snowman Activity

Christmas is over and the holidays are behind us but that does not mean I want my crafting and activities with The Brothers to stop. January is a birthday packed month for me but it does not stop me from carving out time to do activities and make memories with my boys. After Keith goes to sleep at night around 7, Shane and I have an entire hour to be creative, hands on, and imaginative. This past week, when asked what he wanted to do, he asked to build a snowman. It had been hailing that night...hailing hard and as hail does not make for good snowman building we settled for a sensory activity.

We made snow! It was so much fun, relatively inexpensive, and Shane enjoyed every moment. When I can get my active and spirited toddler to sit still for longer that 10 minutes I know I have a winning activity. When stored in an airtight container, the snow stayed good for several days. Additionally, the clean up was so easy because of the ingredients. If you are wanting to build a snowman with your kids this winter don't let the lack of snow stop you! 


a shallow bin or cookie sheet
3 cups baking soda
1/2 cup conditioner (white is recommended to keep your snow stay white)


 1. Measure and combine baking soda and conditioner in bin with a spoon or hands. 

2. Sculpt, play, and mold the snow. When you are finished, store in an airtight container to keep moist for a few days. 

Do you want to build a snowman?

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