Thursday, April 2, 2015

Thankful Thursday: Instant Friends

Do you ever meet a friend and find that you instantly are connected for life? You start to chat like old friends in the first meeting with similarities, likes, and interests that align like the stars? My sweet friend Nicole is married to one of my husbands oldest and dearest friends Chris. When we met years ago I never had experienced an instant friendship like I have gained with her. Her sweet personality, love for the Lord, creativity, intellect, sense of humor, interest, and style are captivating and I am so thankful for the instant friendship in her that has blossomed over the past 6 years. 


  1. I love when people come into your life you just KNOW you're going to hit it off with :)
    Be sure to add your blog to my link up today :)

  2. Oh my goodness my sweet and dear friend!!! I feel the same way about our friendship! Instant connection! And I always figured if Chris and Brian ever ran away together (brothers from different mothers) I would always have you! ;) I am so blessed by your friendship and love, and am so grateful for the relationship the Lord has fostered despite the many miles between! I love you and miss you and cannot wait to have our mommy/kiddo weekend!


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