Monday, April 13, 2015

The Friend List

Young moms focus a lot on the babysitter list. How else can we get the chores done, a little bit of rest, or a night out with our spouse without it? A babysitter is a mini life line for stay at home moms and working moms, a bit of support that can help us tackle the to do list or recharge. Moms exchange names, post ISO on social media, and ask friends when their older children are going to be starting babysitting. We invest a lot of time into finding reliable, safe, and fun people to add to the babysitter list.

Another list I heavily rely on is the friend list. It is one that I have taken a lifetime to make and I dare say is more important than the babysitter list. I have had some names remain on my list for decades and some names are new. I have diligently invested in and grown a relationship these women to the point where they have become another lifeline for me. My friends are who I call when I need to process a hard day of parenting, get meal ideas from, and who help me weigh the pros and cons of sending Shane to preschool at 3 or 4 among other things. They love the Lord, they extend grace, they shower me in love. On a hard day, a happy day, a lonely day, a mundane day these are the women I cherish. Despite my short babysitter list, the friend list is the one that I really need to focus on when it comes to support.

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