Friday, January 2, 2015

Friday Favorites: Lounge Wear

Happy Friday!

Did you enjoy your holiday season? I love the silent and peaceful week after Christmas. It feels extra warm and cheerful with my holiday decorations still up and a few new sweaters or socks to snuggle up in. I am often found eating leftovers with my family and watching a few more holiday movies. My wedding anniversary was on Wednesday. We celebrated 9 years and then we jump right into  birthday season because both The Brothers have a birthday coming up this month. Really the festivities keep on rolling around my home. I love my extended holiday season!

Today I am linking up with one of my favorite blogs Momfessionals.

Today I am sharing my favorite lounge wear. I like feeling pulled together and being comfortable around the house so I tend to throw these slippers, leggings, a tank top and this cardigan on most mornings.  It's what I sleep in, its what I watch movies in and snuggle on the couch in, and its what I can wear to answer the door for a UPS delivery without feeling like I look like I just rolled out of bed. In short, its perfection!

First up are these amazing UGG slippers. I will be the first to say I never would spend this much on slippers. I was given a pair as a gift and there is no going back. Here is what I love about them. They are super supportive with a hard, thick sole. The lining can be replaced so I can freshen these up every year for about $15. Lastly, I like a slipper that stays on which means this moccasin style is perfect for me. Keith was about 22lbs at 6 months and my feet HURT from caring my healthy baby. These sleepers were so supportive and made me a believer they are worth the investment!

Next are the HUE wide waist band leggings. I used to like to sleep in slips, shorts, or my husbands shirts and then I had kids. Actually, then I had two boys who woke up ready to wrestle and run. I needed something that was comfortable to sleep in and let me play on the floor with my little nuggets. These leggings are the ticket! They wash well, fit comfortably, and let me be the playful mom I want to be. 

Lastly, this robe or cardigan depending on how you style it. It is so soft that Shane asks to wear it, it keeps me warm in my drafty family room, and as the sleeves are fitted, when in a pinch, I can wear it out of the house. Best of all the Nordstrom Anniversary sale let these go for about 33% off making them much more affordable and well worth the investment. 

Friday morning or any morning you can find me with my slippers, leggings, a tank top, and my cardigan on and you can bet that I slept in it the night before!


  1. I have those leggings and cardigan also and LOVE them! Happy Friday!

    1. Thank you for reading and happy Friday to you too!


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