Thursday, January 15, 2015

Thankful Thursday: Keith

Seeing as how Saturday is my sweet little peanuts first birthday it was only fitting to give thanks for Keith today. 

Keith was a missing part of my family and it brings me such joy to have him in our lives. He is quite a bashful charmer and once he is in his comfort zone he is a lively little man. These days he loves sticking out his tongue, clapping and waving, chasing after Shane, and my stars the little man can snuggle. My favorite moments in my day are going in to get Keith after a nap because he just lays there waiting for me, reaching for me, then he rest his cheek upon mine and just takes a moment to wake up. In short, it is a mother's dream moment each and every waking.  

Keith has many strong suits even at the age of one (almost). He loves books and will almost always pick reading over any activity. He looks at the pages and waits with baited breath for the words he knows are coming. He is a charmer and draws you in. There is a smile in Keith's eyes and this ability to seek you out and captivate you with his presence.  Keith's laugh is a deep down belly laugh and its contagious. I love hearing The Brothers laugh at their own inventive games. Keith has a determination and physical ability that make me wonder if he will excel at sports. At 8 months I can remember him looking at the stairs and tackling them. He wrestles Shane, slides down stairs, and crawls quicker than any baby I have seen. I am always amazed at how Keith, like most babies, ponders his world. He thinks about light, about noise, about cause and effect and I see his mind working to understand and process everything around him. 

I love this picture of Keith and I (so much so, for now, it is on my blog as my "about me" picture). I like the mystery in it because I can recall every detail of that sweet face looking up at me in that moment even though you can only see the sweet little swirls of his hair.  He had been sleeping and just opened those big blue eyes and looked for me. I know you can't see his face but I can see it in my mind and I love seeing the joy that motherhood brought to me. The Brothers are my January joys and two of the best blessings of my life. I pray for Keith to be deeply rooted in Christ love, to know no bound to His grace and protection, and to wholeheartedly fasten to The Lord's calling on his life. I know this boy is going to grow into a man that will bless and change the world for the better and I am a lucky mama to get to watch Keith grow and develop. It brings a smile to my face, just like this picture, to know that God placed Keith into our family and we are given the responsibility and privilege of raising him, pouring into him, nurturing, and caring for him. 

I am so thankful for Keith. 

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